Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chaos into Light

"It's always darkest before the dawn"..... A phrase used but most often misunderstood, or not always accepted as truth. During these moments in history, in which we are so gifted to witness, those who have not believed before, will now see it played out. To shift or change into something different, and hopefully better and more positive, one must go through the chaos of evolving. Upheaval, as some may call it! To change, the situation must be gutted completely, cleaned out, and rebuilt upon a new foundation. "In the beginning there was chaos, there was darkness, and then there was Light." Taking this a step further, Light meaning, understanding, knowing, patience, faith and belief. Most of us have proven that while a ship rocks back and forth on a stormy sea and an uncertain outcome, we hold on and some pray, meditate, while others hope, that all will be well. And most often it is. Applying these thoughts to our current situation, as it stands here in the U.S. and abroad, we must hold strong together and believe that all will be well...after the dust settles. Give those who seek change for the benefit of the whole, such as our new president, must enlist as allies, not enemies. We cannot continue to do the SAME things and expect different results. Remember that! If you're not a part of the solution, then YOU are the problem?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fear of Change

Observing the situation of major events happening at this time in our world, I think of the word change and all that comes with it. I have been fortunate in being aware that some kind of change was inevitable, things around us have been obviously out of control. Everything! But understanding that balance of life and living is most important, it keeps us all grounded, compassionate and caring. We have been out of balance...for a long time! And based on the deplorable way in which we treat our planet, each other and ourselves, I personally felt that many changes were on the way. Now it's here, all over the globe, in every facet of life. I think of how difficult and scary the very word can be for most people...CHANGE!
I must admit that change can be terrifying to the unconscious, disconnected, unaware, individual. Could this be why so many people are simply snapping out because they don't understand how to assimilate this new energy? Change is hard for most of us because we don't know what to expect, what is waiting around the corner, what happens if we suddenly open a door and fearfully anticipate who or what would be there. Maybe we should all just relax, enjoy the journey and have faith in the process of making newness the reality. Think of it this way, all awareness has been programmed to become even more conscious, more amplified, and thus soon to be well accepted, much sooner than later. It is time to GROW!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


My musings may be considered, beyond common rationale. At least that's how it seems. Most times, when I share the pondering of thoughts, the response is either, "I never thought of that", or "I never really thought about that, that way." Me, I'm a digger. I need the answers to whatever seems to have no reasonable understanding to it, or never is explained, just stated; or no one else wondered about this or that, and didn't seem to care one way or the other. I don't particularly like that feeling though. And that bothers me. I wonder why don't other people question them too? But I do have some thoughts, even after publicly investigating them, and it still makes no sense to me. I think of things like:

1. There has been many, many decades of so-called cancer research. Billions of dollars have been given, donated, raised and granted, and many brilliant minds have emerged from the finest public and ivy league universities, medical/techincal institutiions,etc., and still not one cure?

2. And how is it that "they" can predict that within so many years, so many people will develop this or that particular type of cancer, in this or that part of the body? How is it predicted like a weather report when "they" don't know the answer why it happens and how to stop it?

3. Why is it that the public is constantly baraged with advertisements telling us the number one killer is: depending on the week or month, can shift between heart disease, cancer, diabetes,etc. Ever wonder about that confusion, or the oddity of it? No one seems to know nothing?

4. Commericals on TV tell us about various medications to ask your doctor for, and then let you know that the "benefits outweigh the risks", if you take a certain drug. And keeping in mind, that none of it is a cure for whatever ails you, but you can be sure, thanks to the passing of such legislation, that your risks are noted; dizziness, swollen tongue, rash, can't breathe, immune suppression, risk of serious infections, cancer, or in some cases even death! What's up with all of that?

5. Why is it that now the majority of people in the U.S. are overweight or morbidly obese? Something in the air, something in the foods we eat, something in the water? Yet, obesity is now considered a disease and insurance companies won't cover treatments. All people who are fat are not necessarily over-eaters, and that has been proven. Now other countries trading with us, and not historically known to be "fat", are now getting fat. Why?

6. Ever wonder, if cigarettes are harmful and may even negatively contribute to air quality, why are companies allowed to sell them?

7. And on that same note, why is liquor permitted (just don't get drunk and kill yourself or somebody), and nearly glorified, when it contributes to the loss of wages or jobs, families broken up, and specifically serious medical conditions, such as liver failure, black-outs, violence,etc. Why?

8. Continuing with #7, when a client enters a rehab center, to hopefully cut the cessation of alcohol/drugs, the rehab charges; whether through State projects or private foundations, the client leaves with no follow-up as to support in getting housing, finding a job, food or clothing. What happens is most often, relapse and the merry-go-round starts all over again. Why is that?

9. Also why is marijuana considered a drug and not alcohol?

10. Why are women considered minorities and second class citizens, and in some countries, even called third class/chattel? Is it not so, that the female outnumbers the male in many societies and will outlive males most everywhere, as well as the forebringers of children(creators)? Why?

Well enough said, I have to go and throw up. Bye for now.